Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Planting a Child's Garden

The first summer my son Alex was walking, we planted a small garden with some herbs, flowers, and quite a few tomato plants. It was a hot summer and the garden went crazy. The tomato plants became the focus of endless fascination for Alex. He loved to help me pick the tomatoes and would definitely eat more than his share. He now has his own little plot where he gets to choose what to plant each year. He really loves having some ownership in his garden and definitely enjoys the fruits of his labor!

Plant a garden with your child!

Here are some tips and suggestions for getting started:

*Choose plants that are colorful and edible (flowers can also be a nice addition--just make sure they're nontoxic)

*If you don't have space for a garden, us a pot and start small.

*Include your child in the planning, tending, and harvesting. Even very little ones will enjoy helping with the, digging, watering, and eating.

*Make sure to use organic fertilizers and avoid pesticides!

*Give your child their own trowel and watering can so they can feel some ownership and responsibility in the garden.

*Plant suggestions- cherry tomatoes, snap peas, strawberries, chives, squash, pumpkins, sunflowers (if you have the room), pansies, nasturtiums

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