Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Scheduling and Energy Audit

Our family recently scheduled an energy audit to see how we could improve our energy efficiency and cut energy costs. We had an inspector from Energy Trust of Oregon walk through our house and give us the energy low-down. She came armed with free CFLs (compact florescent lightbulbs), low-flow shower heads (which she installed), and some vital information about energy rebates and how to improve our energy efficiency without spending a fortune. And the best part of this whole experience? It was all free!

I know many of our customers don't live in Oregon but energy audits should be available in most areas. Many utility companies and service providers also perform energy audits at little or no cost to you. Here are a few resources for those of you interested in learning more about energy audits and household energy consumption:

*To schedule an energy audit with Energy Trust of Oregon, or to learn more, go to:

* Spend 20 to 30 minutes using this online tool to analyze your home's energy efficiency and receive four free compact fluorescent light bulbs.

*If you're outside Oregon, try Googling "Free energy audit (your location) to find specifics for where you live.

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